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SECOND Newsletter

About Store4HUC

Welcome to the second edition of the Store4HUC Newsletter. The European project Store4HUC develops solutions for renewable energy sources and their storage in historical city centers. Due to strict regulations to protect historical buildings, it is difficult to supply and store renewable energy in listed monuments. Store4HUC addresses this challenge by providing solutions for adaptation of low-carbon energy supply and storage in historical urban centers and providing tailor-made tools to assess both the impact of energy storage and energy independence. The project pilots its tools in 4 historical urban buildings in Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Austria.

Visit our website to learn more: Store4HUC website


View of the existing biomass heating plant in the Weizberg to the north

Integration of a Thermal Storage for the Parish Church in Weiz, Austria

Within the project a thermal storage will be implemented in the parish church of Weizberg. The parish church is located on a hill in the historic area of Weiz.

The history of the parish church goes back to the 11th century, when the church on the "Himmelberg" was popular for pilgrims. Thanks to the engagement of the region and municipalities, there is a lot of experience available with renewable energies due to previous projects that provide a positive atmosphere to implement the Pilot.

Store4HUC activities focus on the integration of a thermal storage for the church on Weizberg, which is connected to the public district heating grid. Details on the how the thermal storage will be integrated can be found on our website.

Read the description of the pilot: Store4HUC website 




Bračak Manor (Energy Centre Bračak) Source: REGEA 2019

Feasibility Studies for Store4HUC

In the course of the Store4HUC project, a feasibility study is being carried out for every piloting activity:

  • for integrating a water buffer tank in the existing heating structure of the historical church in Weiz, Austria;
  • for the energetic optimization of an already existing slope elevator in Cuneo, Italy;
  • for installing a photovoltaic system with energy storage in a traditional castle in Bracak, Croatia
  • and for the paraffin-based latent storage attached to a geothermal heating system in Lendava, Slovenia.

Three of the feasibility studies were published in the last months and are available to download on our website. 

Download all Studies from our website by clicking here.

You can also download the Studies one by one:

  1. Feasibility Study Bracak (Croatia)
  2. Feasibility Study Cuneo (Italy)
  3. Feasibility Study Weiz (Austria)



Preview of the Autarky Rate Tool

New Electricity Storage Evaluation Tool in the Pipeline

In course of our project, the so-called Autarky Rate Tool will be developed. This very useful simple online tool is soon available for everyone who considers installing electrical storage solutions in combination with renewable energy sources.

With only a few numbers, the user can get an evaluation of the technical, economical and ecological effects of the chosen renewable energy storage system configuration. The European project Store4HUC develops solutions for renewable energy sources and their storage in historical city centers. Due to strict regulations to protect historical buildings, it is difficult to supply and store renewable energy in listed monuments.

Read more: Store4HUC website




First Scientific Publications in Store4HUC

The Austrian team of STORE4HUC was invited for poster and parallel session presentations on two international conferences.

The team exhibited a Poster at The 3rd Conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions – SSPCR 2019 in Bolzano and held a presentation at “Greening the Strategies” of the 6th Central European Biomass Conference (CEBC) in January 2020. Both events focused on solutions and strategies to serve as a realistic exit from fossil fuels. 

Read more: Store4HUC Website



Call for Contributions

Do you have any news, research, projects or tips that you'd like to share with the growing Renewable energy in historic urban centers community?

The next edition of the STORE4HUC newsletter is accepting external articles and contributions to create a community of practice and a network of organizations and companies to strengthen the exchange of information on existing and new solutions for use of renewable energy in historic buildings and historic urban surroundings.

Selected contributions will be published in the newsletter and will be considered for the Store4HUC website’s “News” Section.

Please send your article of between 250-500 words plus an image to by the end of the running month. 



Renewable Energy Events in Virtual Format

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 – EUSEW

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the largest event for renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe. It consists of a digital political conference in Brussels in June which offers various networking opportunities, the EU Sustainable Energy Awards competition with a public vote on the audience award, and local events, the Energy Days, which take place throughout Europe in May and June.

Read more:


The New Energy Law for Buildings - Intensive Webinar

(in German) 18.06.2020

On 04.03. and 06.03.2020 two readings were held in the German Bundestag to discuss the draft of the Building Energy Act (BEG) of 23.10.2019. This law is to be seen in the context of the Climate Protection Programme 2030 and the Climate Protection Plan 2050 of the German Government. The aim of the seminar is the basic communication of the contents of the new building energy law as well as the presentation of all resulting changes with the help of practical examples.

Read more:

Berliner Energietage – Berlin Energy Days

(in German)

The major annual conference of the Energiewende ("energy transition") in Germany, hosting dozens of single events and panels three days is taking place virtually from May 26th – to June 17th, with all panels offered as Webinars in German language only.

Read more:


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